Our mission is utilizing and protecting the local resources.
We will continue to work to protect abundant nature in the future generations.
Keep the ecosystem, protect the Hamagou and rich nature of island
Miyajima is conserved with many laws. The Hamagou used in SAKURAO GIN is permitted, and picked with careful consideration of the impact on Miyajima’s environment. As a class of UNESCO Associated School, Miyajima Gakuen (Miyajima elementary school / Miyajima junior high school) and A/Prof. Tsubota conduct cleanup activities and observation on living organisms, articles washed ashore, etc., at beach where Hamagou grows. We also participated in the activities and we are working together to conserve the island’s rich nature and Hamagou for the future. We pick up artifacts like plastics and leave natural objects like driftwood, which is the cleanup way to keep the rich nature for the future.
Recover the lost vegetation
Vegetation restoration projects around Miyajima Ropeway Shishiiwa Station are led by UNESCO School Miyajima Gakuen, Hiroshima Forest Administration Department, Hiroshima University, and Miyajima Ropeway. We are working together to restore the natural environment from the perspective of environmental protection, landscape protection, and disaster prevention.
Grow a forest of juniper berry
It is not well known that juniper berry can be harvested in Japan, but juniper trees grow in particular areas of Hiroshima. Did you know that? Juniper berry from Hiroshima, which has a slightly sweet scent is used for SAKURAO GIN LIMITED. Proper care such as thinning and weeding the forest will ensure that the sunlight is sufficient in the forest to make the trees grow well. In such a well-maintained forest, the trees are firmly rooted, and the solid is well drained, and resistant to flood damage. We will protect and grow precious juniper forest cooperating with local forest association and leave it to the future generation.
Growing barley unique to Hiroshima
Sera is located in the center of Hiroshima Prefecture. The rich land of the Chugoku Mountains produces a variety of agricultural products including rice, fruits, and flowers.
SAKURAO Brewery and Distillery is cooperating with the people of Sera, utilizing the thriving agriculture, to produce malt for whisky. We have been experimenting with different varieties of barley, and in 2023, we started producing whisky using Sera-grown barley malt.
In March 2024, we concluded the "Agreement on the Development of Barley and Other Products in the Sera Region" to further cooperate in whisky production using local ingredients. We will continue to challenge ourselves to deliver better products to our customers.